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In September gaan de scholen open in Malawi. De overheid lijkt elke maand te draaien met de beslissingen. Dit is natuurlijk ook lastig. Veel kinderen gaan naar een school verder weg van huis en verblijven in een internaat. Het openen van de scholen maakt dan ook dat veel Malawianen gaan reizen om hun kinderen daar te brengen. Zo ook op onze school voor dove-en slechthorende kinderen. Aan de ene kant wil je het personeel (volwassenen hebben een hoger risico op COVID19) beschermen, aan de andere kant is het een fijn idee om zicht te hebben op te kinderen. Voor veel gezinnen scheelt het een extra mond die ze moeten voeden. Momenteel leven veel Malawianen in armoede door de COVID19 crisis.
Dashboard van Malawi
Francis deelt de recente cijfers. Er is besloten de scholen dicht te laten omdat het aantal corona besmettingen stijgt in het land.
FaceTime met Bali
Ineke spreekt met Abut en zijn gezin. Ze zijn veel thuis en verzorgen thuis-onderwijs voor hun kinderen. Elke ochtend is de markt een paar uur open en halen ze boodschappen. Niet alleen voor henzelf. Ook voor gezinnen die dit nu niet kunnen betalen. De werkloosheid is enorm gestegen de afgelopen maanden.
De verkiezingen in Malawi hebben ertoe geleid dat de oppositie een nieuwe president gaat aandragen. Lees hier wat de volkskrant erover schrijft.
Het hele artikel.
Francis laat weten dat steeds meer winkels sluiten, anderen proberen hun omzet te verhogen door eten duurder aan te bieden. Op 23 juni zijn er verkiezingen. Hij hoopt van harte op een overheid die hen door deze crisis heen kan helpen, but “TIA it’s hard to understand what is happening in Malawi now.”
*This is Africa, het is moeilijk om te begrijpen hoe het nu in Malawi gaat.
Abut, onze projectleider in Indonesië zit niet stil. Lokaal proberen ze zo veel mogelijk gezinnen te helpen. Veel van deze gezinnen zien hun inkomsten verdwijnen. Dit is Abut met Made, dit pakket van 200.000 IDR (12,30 euro) helpt een gezin van vier mensen een week vooruit!
Abut aan het woord over de situatie in Bali:
Do you know people who are infected? For while i don’t know the name of the people who are infected because they are quarantine in Denpasar, from my village there are 3 people infected most of them just come back from the cruise ship and now they are in the hospital Denpasar Bali.
What is the situation in Samuh and the area at the moment? The situation in Candidasa now is almost look like we celebrate the Silent day, no activity, no people hang around and also no activity for the young kids at the village (like football or volleyball). The rule from the government is that we are not allowed to do activities outside with other people, not to interact with other people. If we are in violatIon we have to pay or the government will put us in jail. the police are very active to check the activity of people all around the village
De situatie in Malawi wordt verteld door Francis
Are you able to go out and get supplies for your family? Yes. From the nearest local few shops.
What are your worries at this time? The lockdown will make people to be much poorer. The poverty level will be too much and as result people will die due to hunger not due to the current world disease. People are not supported while they are in lockdown houses even those in isolation. Most work in Malawi are hand to mouth jobs for short period which is difficult for one to serve money and survive the whole lockdown period. Most people here depend on daily activities and business’ profits to support themselves and families on daily basis which definitely these people will starve and be poor.
Some shops have taken advantages of raising prices of necessaries so that they can make profits hence making life hard
The equipment for testing is not up to standard which makes so many of us not to believe the statistics given by the country. This may leave so many people living with the virus in our community but we may not be aware because most of the signs this virus is showing has been there before with other local diseases. And due to poor health facilities, clinics and hospitals have been lack of medication even before the virus, so the major worries will be a lot of people definitely will be dying without knowing that it is the world pandemic disease. We have so many worries that can take us for some hours.
Minister Kaag: ‘Nu optreden om stille ramp in Afrika te voorkomen’
Arnout Brouwers – de Volkskrant
Minister van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Sigrid Kaag maakt per direct 100 miljoen euro vrij om de verspreiding van het coronavirus in Afrika en andere delen van de wereld tegen te gaan. Dit is volgens haar nodig om daar een ‘stille ramp’ te voorkomen.
De Filipijnen in het nieuws
Duterte uses Covid-19 response to broaden reign of fear and repression.
CNN)Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has built his regime on fear and repression, so perhaps it should come as no surprise that his response to the Covid-19 crisis is following the same script. Unless there is a sharp change of direction, the results of this military-driven approach will be disastrous for the Filipino people.
‘If it comes, it will overwhelm us’: Malawi braces for coronavirus
Concern is growing that a woefully inadequate health system will leave Malawi unable to cope when Covid-19 arrives.
When the overcrowded, long-distance bus from Johannesburg arrived at the Malawian border post of Mwanza last week, one passenger was dead. Fearing he had picked up Covid-19 in South Africa and infected all his fellow travellers, the guards sent everyone to a hastily built quarantine centre for 14 days.
The man had died of other causes but Malawi, which is well used to devastating diseases like HIV and Aids, cholera and malaria, is taking no chances. Along with São Tomé, Comoros, South Sudan and Burundi in Africa, it is one of the last countries in the world not to have confirmed a single Covid-19 case yet.
In Malawi only 20 people a day can be tested for the virus, and there are just 25 intensive care unit beds and seven ventilators in the country of more than 18 million people. Since February, however, the government has been racing to curb Covid’s arrival.